The Trustees of Canewdon Village Hall recognise and welcome the importance of
volunteering in the Community. The Trustees also acknowledge that volunteers
contribute in many ways and that volunteering can be beneficial to the Village Hall,
the local community and the volunteers themselves. The Trustees very much value
the contribution made by volunteers and are committed to involving volunteers in
appropriate positions and in ways which ensure that the valuable gift of the
volunteer’s time is best used to the mutual advantage of all concerned.
Key values and principles are:
1. The volunteer gives his or her time free of charge. No binding obligations will be
imposed on volunteers to attend, give, or be set, a minimum level of involvement or
participation in Village Hall activities.
2. Volunteers can be Trustees, or representative members of organisations using the
Hall, or members of the community. This policy relates to all such volunteers.
3. Volunteers are welcome to give their time when it is convenient to them and
helpful to the Committee.
4. The Management Committee acknowledges its duty to look after the welfare of all
volunteers and to ensure that they are properly instructed and are managed in a safe
and effective manner.
5. Volunteering is open to all regardless of race, gender, religion, sexual orientation
or political beliefs.
6. All new volunteers will be made aware of, and have access to, all the Village Hall’s
relevant policies, including those relating to Volunteering, Health & Safety and Equal
7. Volunteers will have a named person to whom they can take their volunteering
concerns and seek guidance and support.
8. Volunteers will have access to proper support and supervision and an opportunity
to share their views with the Trustees Committee.
9. The Village Hall insurance policies will include the authorised activities of
volunteers and the liability towards them. They do not insure the volunteer’s personal
possessions against loss or damage.
Rights and responsibilities:
The Trustees recognise the rights of volunteers to:
a) Know what is, and is not, expected of them.
b) Have adequate support and safe working conditions.
c) Be insured.
d) Receive adequate instruction or training when required.
e) Be free from discrimination.
Expectations of volunteers
The Trustees expect volunteers to:
a) Be reliable and honest.
b) Respect confidentiality.
c) Carry out tasks in a way that reflects the aims and values of the Village Hall.
d) Comply with the Village Hall’s policies.
Accordingly, all new members and volunteers shall be made aware of the existence
of the policy when first joining and made aware that they will be expected to conform
with its requirements.
This policy will be monitored by the Trustees on an annual basis.
Reviewed November 2024
Next Review Due November 2025