1. Phone for Emergencies
It is essential that the hirer has a mobile phone with them in the event of an emergency as there is no phone at the Village Hall.

2. Safety
It is a requirement for the safety or the Hirers that the gate to the rear of the building is hooked back during the hiring. Key is provided on hirers set of keys.

3. Means of Escape
FIRE DOORS must be kept clear at all times. Fire doors must be identified by the hirer at the start of their hiring time. The emergency lighting will illuminate on the event of a power cut or the fire alarm being activated.

4. Outbreaks of Fire
The Fire Brigade should be called to any outbreak of fire, however slight. Evacuate the building to the car park. Please phone a member of the CCA shown on the sign by the fire alarm next to the Ladies’ toilet.

5. Acceptance of Conditions
Upon confirmation of the booking, every hirer shall be deemed to have accepted and agreed to be bound by these conditions, a copy of which shall be displayed on the notice board in the hall.

6. Responsibility for loss or damage
The Management Committee accept no responsibility for any loss or damage to property of, or for any personal injury suffered by anyone using the hall or any part or the premises or land administered by the Trustees for the time being.

7. Bookings
a) No Bookings shall be deemed to have been made unless confirmed by the hall booking manager.

b) Upon Confirmation of the booking by the booking hall manager to the hirer, the hirer shall, within 7 days, pay the hall booking manager a preliminary deposit of £50.00 or 50% of the whole fee – whichever is the greater amount on account of the hiring fee, If the fee is less than £50.00, the total sum shall be paid.

c) The balance of the hiring fee together with a breakages/cleaning deposit of £100.00 shall be paid to the hall booking manager not less than 7 days in advance of the proposed hiring. The said deposit shall be returned if cash/bacs payment or destroyed if a cheque to the hirer within fourteen days of the hiring, provided that no damage has been caused to the hall or any part of the premises or land; no rubbish has been left and no extra cleaning has been required. If the hall needs extra cleaning after the hire or there is any damage/breakages the whole £100.00 deposit will be forfeit.

d) In the case of regular hall users, a damages deposit of £50.00 will be taken for the duration of the hire period, this, if taken in cheque form, will be cashed. The deposit will be returned when the hire period is terminated. The booking manager will reserve the right to retain this deposit following any unpaid fees or damage by the hirer, if the damage exceeds this sum then the balance must be paid immediately. It is at the booking manager's discretion to terminate the hire period following damages at his/her discretion.

e) In the event that the deposit is not paid in accordance with the sub paragraph b) the booking shall be deemed to be cancelled.

f) In the event that the balance of the hiring fee and breakages deposit are not paid in accordance with sub paragraph c) & d) hereof the booking shall be deemed to be cancelled and the deposit payable under sub paragraph b) hereof shall be forfeited.

g) In the event that a booking is made within one week of the date of the proposed hiring the hiring fee and breakages deposit shall be paid immediately to the hall booking manager.

h) The management committee may, in its discretion, waive sub paragraph b) & c) hereof, or any part thereof, in the cases of hirers who hire the hall regularly each week, payment in full for all hiring fees and charges for damages caused shall be made to the hall booking manager within seven days of the date of the hiring account being rendered.

i) No booking may exceed 00:00 midnight, without the written consent of the management committee.

j) The management committee reserve the right to cancel any regular user booking if a regular parish event needs the facility. A minimum of 2 weeks notice will be given.

k) Regular hall bookings can be reviewed on a 3 monthly basis, and the management committee reserve the right to cancel any such booking should they wish to do so, 2 weeks notice will be given in such an event.

l) Hirers must make sure any electrical equipment they bring into the hall has an up to date portable appliance test certificate. (including any equipment used by a DJ/Entertainer).

m) If the function consists of persons under the age of 18 there must be a parent or Guardian present throughout the time of the Hall Hire.

8. Payment
Cheques will be accepted save in cases which sub-paragraph 3 (f) refers, payment must be in cash unless there are at least ten full working days before the proposed date of the booking, when a cheque may be accepted. Cheques must be made payable to Canewdon Community Association. BACs payments are accepted if preferable.

8a. Settlement or Payment
For regular hirers, payments must be made within 30 days of the invoice date, otherwise the Hirer will not be permitted to re-book or make further use of the Hall.

9. Cleaning up and Damage
(a) All Hall facilities and equipment shall be left in a clean and undamaged condition. Cleaning materials are provided in a locked cupboard in the kitchen, the key to which is on the hirer's set. These must be returned to the locked cupboard. Please use the recycling bins outside the hall as much as possible. Hirers should remove their rubbish. If rubbish is left, a charge of £10 per bag will be made up to a maximum of £40.

(b) All damage caused during a hiring shall, within 24 hours, be reported by the Hirer to the Hall Booking Manager and the Hirer shall make good such damage.

10. Licences
The Hirer shall ensure that the requirements of the Licensing Act are properly observed together with the requirements and conditions of any licences held by duly authorised licence holders. No alcohol shall be sold without a licence. It is the hirer’s responsibility to ensure that no alcohol is sold to persons under the age of 18.

11. Intoxicants
No alcohol shall be brought into the Hall or into any part of the premises or land without the consent of the Management Committee. Please advise the bookings manager if you intend to do so.

12. Explosives and flammable substances
The hirer will ensure that highly flammable substances including fireworks are not brought into the hall or used on any part of the premises including the field outside.

12a. Smoke machines and vaping devices.
Both smoke machines and vaping devices will set off the smoke alarms and are not permitted at any time. Vaping is permitted outside the building.

13. Barbeques and open fires
No cooking inside or outside on barbeques or open fires is allowed unless previously agreed by the Management Committee.

14. Decorations
Except with the consent of the Hall Booking Manager, the only decorations that the Hirers may bring into the Hall or premises are flowers in free standing containers to be provided by the Hirer. Any other permitted decorations must NOT be fixed with staples, drawing pins, sellotape or the like, please use the hooks along the walls to hang decorations.

15. Staging
Use of the hall staging is at the hirer's own risk. If the stage is required please let us know at the time of booking so a fee can be advised. The CCA will make sure it is put up for your hire

16. Conduct
The Management Committee may, either by itself or by any authorised person refuse the admission of any person, persons or vehicles to the land or premises without giving reason.

17. Entry
Keys can be collected before the Hire Period, and must be returned directly afterwards. Directions for where will be given after payment is received.

18. Amendment of Conditions
The Management Committee reserve the right, at any time, without notice, to amend Conditions and charges.

Last updated 23/01/2025