Canewdon Community Association & Village Hall

Registered Charity no. 1076685

Lottery Registration Number: 24/01648/GALOTT


  1. The “Canewdon 200 club” will run as a small society lottery in accordance with schedule 11 of the Gambling act 2005. The promoter will the treasurer of Canewdon Community Association & Village Hall.
  2. The lottery will run to raise funds for the maintenance and running of the Village Hall, which, after the provision of prizes and expenses, will be deposited in the Canewdon Community Association & Village Hall bank account.
  3. The lottery will be open to all members of the public over 18 years old. Neither the promoter nor their partner/spouse may enter into the draw.
  4. Under the lottery scheme, there will be 12 draws that take place each calendar month, and 1 annual draw that takes place in December. All entering tickets will have an equal chance of winning each draw. There will be an upper limit of 250 tickets sold annually.
  5. Entrants will need to pay an annual ticket price of £24, to be paid by 16th March 2025, for each ticket that they wish to enter. Each ticket will be assigned a single number, which will be valid for all 13 draws. Entrants are able to purchase more than one ticket should they wish to do so.
  6. Entrants who fail to pay the full amount by the deadline in Part 5 will not be able to enter the prize draws. Partial payments below the full amount per annual ticket in Part 5 will be treated as donations, and will not count towards a valid ticket number.
  7. Once an annual ticket has been paid for, it will be valid for 13 draws, and may not be refunded or exchanged. Entrants who wish not to renew their annual tickets may contact the draw’s promoter to have their details removed.
  8. Should all tickets sell out, then potential entrants will be asked to register their interest for future draws. A list of contact details may be kept by the promoter, which will be used to inform them of future ticket sales.
  9. The draws will be conducted by 3 people, at least one of who will be a committee member.
  10. 50% of the total annual subscriptions will be paid out in the form of cash prizes; for this purpose, the Club “year” will run from 1st March to 28th February.
  11. Cash prize funds will be divided out as follows (based on 200 ticket sales): Monthly 1st prizes: 12 x £75 (prize pot = 3/16 or 18.75% of total sales) Monthly 2nd prizes: 12 x £50 (prize pot = 2/16 or 12.5% of total sales) Monthly 3rd prizes: 12 x £25 (prize pot = 1/16 or 6.25% of total sales) Annual Prizes: 1 x £500 + 2 x £50 (prize pot = 2/16 or 12.5% of total sales)
  12. Should the number of tickets sold be more or less than 200, then the prize funds will be allocated out on a pro rata basis, with percentages as described in Part 9.
  13. All prizewinners will be notified and results publicised on the village community facebook group, the village hall website, and in the village newsletter, with a list of the prizewinners kept with the promoter.
  14. A register of ticket holders will be maintained by the promoter to show the entrant’s name, contact number, fees and prizes paid.
  15. The decision of the Village Hall trustees is final in any matter requiring adjudication. The committee has the power to change or revoke these rules after 28 days notice has been given.
  16. The promoter or nominated agent will be responsible to the trustees of the Village Hall for the day to day running of the lottery.

Promoter: Michael Fuller (Hon. Treasurer), on behalf of:

Canewdon Community Association and Village Hall

Lambourne Hall Road
